| Broadcast Communications Media Testimonials ¬

{"what top pros are saying about us.....”}

"I have known Doug Frankel for over 20 years, and he is one of the sharpest minds in the direct response business today!"
Steve Lehman
Founder and Former Chairman/CEO Premiere Radio Networks
"We have been representing Doug and his operations for many years, and it has been a wonderful opportunity for interesting challenges and creativity.  The Company is incredibly versatile, and handles placement, creative ad presentations and copy, marketing and business advice, and is an ex officio advisor to companies needing to know the best methods and resources available to penetrate the market from scratch or to take existing products to new levels.  Pre campaign strategy, as well as continuing analyses of campaign results as they occur, and fluid reactive campaign modification, together with intelligent, cost effective and pinpoint media placement are what make BCM a dynamic company that is a true value added partner to any advertiser.  It is a pleasure to work with a Company that generates so many unique scenarios, and Doug is one of the most creative executives we have had the fortune to represent."
Jeffrey R. Richter
Finestone & Richter
"Over our 9 years in the fulfillment and logistics business, we have repeatedly had successful clients who have relied on the media experts at BC media to manage their radio media campaigns. BC Media is very easy to integrate with and their clients have shipped large order volumes through Ship-Right Solutions."
Todd Flaherty
Ship-Right Solutions, LLC
"Broadcast Communications Media is at the forefront of the direct response media buying and planning business. Doug Frankel is one of the most tireless workers in this business, and it shows in the company that he’s built. His team is among the best out there — not only in expertise, but also in networking."
Thomas Haire
Editor-in-Chief, Response Magazine
Content Director, Response Expo
Questex Media Group Inc.
"We at 3PL Worldwide have a unique perspective having enjoyed a strong relationship with BCMedia for a number of years. Doug and John truly “get” the backend of DR campaigns and how all the pieces to the puzzle fit together. As it has becomes increasingly difficult to achieve success on individual campaigns, BCMedia, at least with those programs 3PL is involved in, has a much greater percentage of hit campaigns than the norm. Their success rate, we feel, is because they integrate themselves in all aspects of a campaign and expect and encourage all vendor partners to deliver results, as they expect of themselves."
Randy Pulling
3PL Worldwide, Inc.